Finding Inspiration For Blogging

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I don’t know how people can blog multiple times a day and not run out of gas! Kudos to them because this mama here can’t do it. Last week I found myself in a bloggers “rut”. I didn’t necessarily run out of ideas but everything I thought of wasn’t appealing to me or I was just frustrated with it all. I then came across Kate’s post and it was like the girl was in sync with my brain! She hit every point I was thinking of and inspired me to do a post about my own experience in this situation.

Being Unique – I’m not bashing fellow bloggers but it could be a little lame when everyone is talking about the same release the same exact day. I’ll scroll through my Bloglovin feed and it’s all about the same product! I know we’re given things to test but maybe you can talk about it in a favorites or include it in a post vs. being its own post like everyone else.

Blogging on the go – Can’t think? Remove yourself from the environment. Head out to a cafe or Starbucks that offer free wifi, sit, have a drink and get to typing. Sometimes I find being at home in my PJ’s behind the computer can be a little depressing and Un-motivating. I love getting dressed, putting on my face full-o-makeup and heading out with laptop in hand. It can really improve your overall mood and give you the push you need to get the ball rolling.

Switching it up – My blog covers all types of different things from DIY projects to Fashion. The main focus is beauty of course but I think its fun every now and again to give your readers something different to read about, maybe a recipe you’re enjoying atm or a hidden hobby you do on your spare time (I love to draw when I can). If you stick to one type of blog content then by all means do your thang, there is nothing wrong with that! I visit Temptalia’s site because I know it provides the best swatches and I can always count on it. Personally I like a little bit of everything!

Giving yourself a break – I recently moved my WordPress blog to a self-hosted blog because my account was temporarily “locked”. I had a melt down because I wasn’t able to post for 3 days but I’m not going to lie, the time off was great. I blog 6 days out of the week and it can be very overwhelming at times. If you need a break do it!  Collect your thoughts so that you’re coming up with good content. If i’m pissy or tired it affects my work and when I read it the next day it’s a no go. Just let your viewers know via Twitter, Facebook or whatever floats your boat.

People Watching – Creepy? Yes, it can be but people are so interesting! It’s amazing what you tell about a person just by looking on the outside. Some patterns, bags and hairstyles have triggered ideas in my crazy blogging head to type a post. Don’t get caught though, It could be really awkward!

Fellow Bloggers – Perfect example is this post, like I said earlier I was the inspiration from Kate that made me write this post. It’s always nice to reference back and say “I received the idea from this person”. I always give the credit to the corresponding blog or site!

These are just some things that have helped me out in the past and still help me when I’m in need of saving. Things could be worse so I appreciate all the errors and set backs because it’s all worth it in the end!

  • Mesha

    Love your blog a lot!
    i was wondering if it were possible to make the font slightly less italic-y?? (If thats a word XD ) Finding it slightly dizzy to read sorry!

    But regardless genuinely love your content!

    • lwss44

      I wish I could! I’ll ask the designer about it because I was wondering the same thing lol! I keep looking at the settings looking for a button that will do it. I’ll keep it in mind dear!

  • Tamara

    I’ve recently discovered your blog. I think it was a bloglovin that lend me here. I really appreciate your content and love what you’ve done with your blog in such a short period. Stay blessed!

  • Nadja

    Since I’ve found your blog I’ve been really inspired to get better in photography 🙂

  • Laura

    I really like this post! and you are absolutely right, I also love that it’s not alway about makeup. but sometimes something different, like your thoughts today. and sometimes you just need a break, and you are not even realizing it. but you gotta stop up sometimes and just relax, we are not going anywhere (your readers) because of 5 or 7 or whatever days you don’t post a blogpost.

    anyway I hope this comment wasn’t all “blah” and you actually understood it.
    and by the way i’m from Denmark just so you know you have readers outside the US.

  • Angelika Grigorjeva

    I agree! I find reviews very useful, but I’d much rather see more than a picture. Like it would be nice if the product was shown on, or used in different post such as favourites etc!! Thank you for this post, I think it’s time I took my laptop on a trip!!!

  • Christina

    Great post, filled with lots of great ideas!

  • Krystal

    I love this post! I have had bloggers block several times and I have found it super helpful to go to a cafe or restaurant as you said. It definitely helps boost your motivation. Thank you for writing this. I think it is definitely going to be helpful to a lot of people. P.S. I love the photo.

    Krystal |

  • V.

    I love working from cafés. Perfect place to people watch as well 🙂 I don’t think people watching is creepy. Everybody does it! It’s difficult to be, or at least write unique posts all the time nowadays. With so much “competition”, I don’t try to stand out from the crowd, but just be me, and maybe people will see that I already am unique just the way I are 🙂

  • Ola

    This post is very insightful and helpful. I often have felt the same about reading for inspiration I would see the same mascara and what I bought today post everywhere. after awhile I got tired and started reading post like this.. I love reading all types of blog post and most importantly i like being inspired.

    so great post lipstick with some sunshine 😉 I enjoyed reading this

  • Valerie

    This was such a wonderful post and I feel like a lot of people can relate to the bloggers rut or wanting to keep things fresh. Keep up the awesome work =)

  • Patti

    I’m just getting started again after numerous fails. I keep getting into the rut of not knowing what to write about after a few weeks. I try to keep things just about life of 3 crazy kids and working full time, mix in my hobbies and other things. I like your ideas in this post and find it very helpful. You have a new faithful follower!!

  • Connie

    I absolutely love the “blogging on the go” tip. There have been so many times when I find inspiration at a place I’m currently at, where I stop and think to myself… if I had my laptop and camera, this would make for a wonderful blogging atmosphere.

    Connie | Sponsored by Coffee

  • Abbie

    Agree with everything you have written 🙂 sooo true about people watching to, great inspiration! xx

  • Sophie

    This post is perfection for me! Just launched my blog a week ago today and finding inspiration already seems like the hardest part. Going to try your “get out of the house trick” and take my laptop to the cafe down the road tomorrow.

    Thanks so much Tamira!

    Sophie xx

  • Katie

    Great suggestions and tips. I love the idea of taking the blogging outside. I’ve been cooped up in my apartment for what feels like all winter long. Maybe it’s time to go to the cafe and it might bring some great new blog post inspiration.

    I have to applaud bloggers who can post everyday. Bloggers that most multiple times a day just blow my mind! This lady feels spread thin sometimes just posting twice a week. It feels almost like building a muscle, it takes time and work to build up the endurance.

    Great post!

  • rae

    This was such an awesome post. I think it is completely normal to go through blogging ruts. It is hard to constantly churn out new content on a regular basis. Sometimes, the opposite happens, and we get so overloaded with ideas, but have really big plans for making those ideas happen, that we get frozen, because we do not want to go forward, without being able to make the post the best it can be. Your tips def. helped me out and I am about to pop over to Kate’s post to see what her tips are.

    rae of lovefromberlin

    • Thank you so much! I’m glad I can help!

  • mascarawarriorblog

    I’ve been stuck in a rut too. I’m glad I came across this because these are really good ideas! Thanks Tamira!

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