The Insta-recap @lipstickwithsomesunshine : The Ray-Ban line-up / a sneak peek on a post i’m working on for next week / blogging and snacking thanks to POPSUGAR! / Essie pastels / quick FOTD / my Lush fix, thanks to my lovely friend Kristen! / look at me thinking I’m cool and ish lol (squat pose)
*Update* So this isn’t your traditional recap because I’ve decided to end the Weekly Recap series. Now before you yell at me it will be replaced with something I’ve been working really hard on. I’m in the process of creating a weekly newsletter that will be filled with a bunch of updates, upcoming posts ideas, and other fun details! They will go out every Sunday via e-mail so make sure you sign up, check your junk mail if you don’t receive it in your inbox. I thought this would give my blog a little modern twist and something to look forward to every Sunday! I’m still trying to get the layout right but it should be ready to go by next weekend. So let me know how you feel about this cool little feature down below and any input you might have!
*Allure BBA Update* Voting is closed for Ch. 2, stay tuned tomorrow at 9AM ET to see if we advanced to week 3. I’m super nervous because all of the makeovers were great! Makeovers are always seen as this drastic change where the person doesn’t even look like themselves. I made up my best friend and wanted her to feel comfortable in her own skin instead of being something she’s not. She’s also expecting so I didn’t want to mask that, I wanted to enhance it. We will see if the judges agreed with the look I was going for. Whatever the outcome is I just want to thank you all for voting and being so supportive during this entire ordeal, It means the world to me!