The sweet Jen from Jennypurr wrote a post the other day about bloggers and why we blog. We all do it for different reasons and set goals for ourselves but ultimately what is the purpose? I remember starting out, I had no idea where this was going but it was a commitment I made to myself and myself only. I think bloggers are perceived as narcissists and that isn’t the case at all, well I can only speak for myself. Blogging isn’t just about reviewing products or talking about the latest, it gives a sense of direction and responsibility which can then be implemented in your daily life. It’s disappointing when you watch a blogger start from nothing to grow into this huge name and see them change into someone you don’t even recognize anymore. Like Jen mentioned I’m not trying to bash people who work with big companies or get sent products (I too receive them) but everyone thinks there is only one way to be a blogger or a YouTuber. You can still be original without having to act like everyone else. You don’t need to be loud, obnoxious, or act like a child to attract viewers and I feel that this is what it has become. I keep referring to Estee because she is an amazing girl, the chick is funny as hell and a natural when the camera is on. She isn’t annoying or painful to watch because she’s so real and down to earth. She gives me hope that there will be other bloggers/vloggers who will be more like her, real and not the current fad. I personally blog because it’s an outlet for me to express my creativity in a way that not only satisfies myself but other people as well. I make YouTube videos to show my viewers that I’m not just a bland person sitting behind a screen typing bullish*t. I have feelings, I’m sleep deprived, I have a job, I’m a mother and I’m not perfect.
Bloggers get to show the pretty side of their lives but no one sees the effort that’s put in to make it appear that way. A bit of a rant I know but when I see people that try too hard or don’t appreciate what blogging has to offer it sickens me. I don’t plan out posts, loose sleep, or spend my money to get recognition. Do you want 10,000 followers on social media because you work your ass off or prefer 100,000 because they’re hoping you’ll post another pic with your goodies falling out of your top? You (meaning whoever I’ve offended) can get your panties, boy shorts or whatever is worn now-a-days in a bunch but I’ve always been one to speak from the heart and it’s what I see. Some people do it for all the wrong reasons and take away shine from those who put tremendous effort into their sites. Again not trying to bash anyone just stating facts and what other people are afraid to say.
It’s really easy to get caught up in the beauty world and obsess with what this one has when you don’t. We all feel a bit like Kelly Rowland with our dirty laundry. Remember why you started writing, respect what you’ve accomplished so far and keep it moving. Do you want a successful blog? You’re damn right! I do but is that my main focus? Yes and no. I want it to be successful in a way that my content is different from what’s already out there. It isn’t my main focus because all I care is about the response I get from my viewers. If you don’t like it then I’m not happy. I don’t get to sit back and let out the big relaxing “ahhhh” because my job isn’t done. All the comments and e-mails I get on a day to day basis are so inspirational to me, it’s all I need to keep me going. I try to engage as much as I can because this is what blogging is all about to me. I get to talk to people who live in different countries that have the same obsessions I do and to me that is the coolest feeling ever. I’m a bit of a loner when it comes to the real world so to have friends who live in the UK or Kansas is pretty damn awesome if you ask me.
I guess what I’m trying to say is I’ll never change no matter how big the company or opportunity, this is who I am as a blogger, friend and human being. I always hear you need to stand out or show your personality but I believe it should never be forced. I respect other bloggers and how they do their thang, kuddos to them and their hard work. I’ve created my own path though and I intend to walk the entire way no matter what the obstacles are. What goes into a blog? Effort and devotion. Nothing more, nothing less. It’s realistically that simple . . .