It’s been exactly 1 year, 3 months and 10 days I’ve been blogging. I’ve had many obstacles and hurdles to overcome but here I am still pushing to reach my goals! I personally feel I’ve come a very long way and I’m proud of my work. I did something totally insane this past weekend which was a huge wake-up call, I sang karaoke in front of a bunch of strangers (I’m a softy and can’t hang so I was completely sober)! Now it might not sound crazy but I remember myself being this shy meek girl and blogging along with YouTube has changed me entirely. I got up there and let it all out, now I can’t sing at all what so ever so it was god awful but liberating at the same time. I socialized with everyone that was there and really enjoyed myself for the first time in what seemed to be ages. Blogging has given me the confidence and reassurance to just let loose, have fun, and be creative. I’m a real old soul and grab inspiration from all types of places, I can’t really explain how my brain works but I just let it do it’s thang!
You guys have been a huge confidence booster for me and in some instances it’s overwhelming but in a good way! I’ve been supported by other fellow bloggers, was chosen as one of the top 10 beauty bloggers by Allure, made connections with brands I look up to and all I can do is sit back and cry (again in a good way). This journey started out as something small and never in a million years would I ever think this blog would be what it is today. I’m no hot shot or a huge name but I’m proud of MY accomplishments thus far. I am so grateful for every viewer, follower and comment that is left. I blog because it’s something I enjoy doing, it isn’t a job for me and it just comes naturally somehow someway. This isn’t meant to be a braggy post at all, I’m just truly thankful for every one of you and I kind of feel like this is our journey as a team (Team LWSS?). I love you guys and couldn’t be happier with the way blogging has turned out for me.
For those who are thinking about starting a blog of their own my advice to you is have patience, everything will fall in place but remember to be consistent and genuine. I can’t tell you not to compare yourself to fellow bloggers because we all do it, how you decide to deal with it is a different story. You can either beat yourself up with envy or be inspired to create better content. It all falls on you and how much effort you’re willing to put into this, your work will eventually shine through. It won’t happen overnight (I’m still working on it too) but I think it’s a beautiful thing to see grow organically, it’s such a rewarding feeling.
So now that all the emotional mush/crap is off my chest and I feel that I’m ready to take on the world, one karaoke machine at a time!