1. Read posts out loud as if you’re talking to a friend or giving a speech, you’d be surprised as to how the power of inflection could help with writing.
2. School yourself when it comes to photography, playing with my f-stop has helped me achieve some awesome pictures.
3. Pick a blog name that really suits your personality and make sure it’s an reflection of yourself, you never know what content you’ll start producing in the future.
4. Scheduled content gives you a sense of direction but spontaneous same-day posting is raw and real, it’s not a bad thing.
5. You don’t need to provide immaculate swatches to get people to trust what you say about products are true. Engaging and being honest will, plus thats what we have Temptalia for and it doesn’t get any better than that!
6. It will completely change you as a person, in a good way!
7. Don’t be intimidated by established bloggers, huge followings means nothing if you’re unrelatable and aren’t humble!
8. <center> (HTML is a b*tch)
9. You’re going to have writers block at least 25% of the time, totally norm.
10. Your viewers will tell you what they like and don’t like, listen to them but proceed with caution. Blogging is an extension of you and the whole world isn’t going to love it but appreciate the ones that do!