Life And All Its Crap…

Where do I begin? Lets just say things have been really hectic around these parts. My daughter started school for the first time this year and has been sick ever since. We’ve been to the doctors for an ear infection, cold, stomach bug and even rashes! I feel so bad for her but until she builds up her immune system we just have to deal with it. Then my oldest likes to think he’s some type of superhero jumping off the playground contraptions at school and paying weekly visits to the nurses office. Mommy is totally drained and literally counting the days until our vacation.

For those of you who don’t know I still work part-time in the medical field. I won’t bore you with the details but I give injections, vaccines, draw blood and deal with all the icky stuff that most people aren’t a fan of. I broke down the other day at work not knowing exactly why I was a blubbering mess, I guess for the first time in ages I knew what it felt like to be really stressed out. I’m pretty good with juggling multiple things in my life, the kids, the house, the boy, work, and this blog. I don’t have time to stop and actually feel anything because I’m constantly busy but this week was different for me. Work is seriously taking its toll on me because of new protocols and paperwork we must complete, I absolutely adore my co-workers but we’ve all wanted to kill each other this past month trying to adjust to this new work flow.

On the other hand I was able to see my little sister who is in the military and my mom who lives about 3 hours away which has helped get away from the chaos. I had Japanese twice this week which was amazing, still drooling over the salted caramel mochi! Last night was the premier of 007 which was ok, the boy and I had a date night which only happens 2-3 times a year. He works long hours and we’d much rather order-in and chill on the couch lol. Thanks to my dad and stepmom for watching the little ones, grandparents are the best!

So this weekend I will be working like the busy bee that I am getting everything ready for Christmas, vacation and filming more videos. I had a CND Shellac mani this week and I’m curious to see if it lasts the 2 weeks they say it does (I’ll keep you posted)! Thank you for being such supportive viewers and all of the lovely comments, you guys are f*cking awesome!






  • Jessica

    Hope your little one feels better soon – life can get crazy, but be sure to take time for yourself too (I know much easier said than done!). Always look forward to newness from you but in the meantime, I’m about to have a marathon catch up ☺️ X

  • Zachary Thor

    I always admire how ‘real’ you are with everything you do, and I really related to “I don’t have time to stop and actually feel anything”. I find myself feeling that way too sometimes, completely on autopilot. To help I have a little monologue with myself at night while I’m in bed and talk everything out. I imagine it to be a very funny experience for my neighbours beyond my thin walls, but it helps me so whatever.

    Oh, and slightly random but the second photograph absolutely reminds me of a scene in Harry Potter when he attends the Quidditch World Cup and the Dementors attack the campsite.

    Zachary Thor

  • Vanessa Buttino

    If anyone can handle all this stress, YOU CAN. have you ever thought about quitting your part-time job and just being a full-time blogger instead? I don’t know if that’s possible for you, and I’m sure you’ve considered it, but if you’ve got all this stress building up I think it’d be ideal for you to try to think of a solution soon – before things start to get even worse. I don’t want this comment to sound all “doom & gloom” but sometimes you just need to make a change or take a risk to make your life better. Hope everything works itself out for you xx

  • Diana P.

    I can’t wait for your videos, especially during the holiday season! 😀

  • costeau

    Make sure to take time for yourself Tamira! And remember that life happens 🙂 good bits and bad! It sounds to me as an outsider that you’re doing an awesome job of keeping lots of balls in the air at once. x

  • rae

    Sorry to hear about all the stress! It sounds like you are juggling so many things right now and each of these things on their own would be stressful enough! – A daughter with constant trips to the doctor, a son with weekly trips to the nurse, big changes at work with new protocols – each of these on their own are enough to make your head spin, so I hope you are cutting yourself some slack and realizing that your emotional reactions to these things are entirely acceptable! Do hope things calm down soon and it does seem like you have a really good head on your shoulders and an understanding for what it going on as well at the ability to see the positive (yes, getting sick from everything is part of being in school and building up that immune system!)

    Glad you were able to make some time for yourself with your date night and I hope you can find more pockets of time for yourself as well.

    Rae of Love from Berlin
    Bloglovin’ // instagram

  • Elisha Maé Iveson

    keep going darling, you’re doing the best you can clearly (which I think is pretty amazing ps)

    elisha-mae I wear this?

  • Vanessa E.

    Hi Tamira,

    I can totally relate to you on the fast end of life. I too most of the time don’t have time to feel things and be in the moment. I’m constantly thinking of the next thing to do. I hope you feel better soon and you’re a superstar so I know you will get through this!

  • Kiana Geraldino

    You are truly amazing! I really do admire you. You are still working in the medical field and you blog and have a youtube channel at the same time plus have two kids! You are really strong and I’m sure good stress is going to come in your way and the bad one is going to go away!

    Keep the good work I adore everything you do your aesthetics and taste for everything is so perfect.

    Love, Kiana from Montréal.

  • Jessica Flores


    Reading this blog post made me love and appreciate your blog even more than I already do. Very few bloggers share personal difficulties which is one of the most important ways to connect with your readers. This is that moment where you connect with readers, including me.

    I’m also going through a lot at this time and would encourage you to write it out. May not seem like the best medicine, but writing out your feelings and all your thoughts helps tremendously. Just like you do here, except in your own journal where you can say whatever the f*ck you want. It’s a great feeling.

    This is one of my favorite quotes by Winston Churchill: “If you’re going through hell, keep going.” Keep going bbygirl. Sh*t might seem stressful now but it will eventually end.

    Jessica Flores

  • Monica Holmes

    My oldest daughter was sick nonstop her first year of school. She spent more time at home than at school. Luckily that wasn’t the case with my middle child. Since her sister was in school, she was exposed far earlier and is never sick more than a day. When she started school I was fearful for a round two especially since we had a newborn at home. Thank God that’s not what happened! Nothing is worse than an infant with the flu. Thanks for sharing the sometimes unforgiving pressures of working, motherhood, and partnership. We all go through them and hearing others acknowledge them helps us all be stronger.