Getting your ass out of bed and going about your day productively can be a drag at times, I’ll be the first to admit it! There are days where I curl up in my sheets and watch youtube videos knowing I have 3 loads of laundry to do. Procrastination at its finest! I don’t know if you guys remember me telling you that I’m a night owl but I’ve been trying to break bad habits and going to bed late is one of them.
- Getting Enough Sleep – The more sleep you get the more energy you’ll have in the AM, it’s that simple. You’re able to focus better and be less irritable to get your day started.
Older people think that they’re the only ones who need to jot everything down but trust me us young folk forget shit too! I make lists for pretty much everything and I also divide them into categories so I’m not overwhelmed.
- Make Lists With Categories – I personally set up my tasks in 4 groups, errands, shopping, cleaning and blogging. I always start with the most important task for that group so that I’m aware it needs to get done ASAP. Don’t feel bad if you don’t get to it all, now that they are written you can always come back to the list!
- Fill Your Body Up With Good Food – Starting the day with a good meal is great way to fuel you up until lunch time. I will be honest with you guys, I’m awful when it comes to breakfast! I either skip it or drink a can of Pepsi first thing in the AM. When I was on vacation I had nothing but fruit and full a breakfast everyday, I’d like to keep it that way. As cliche avocado & toast might be, it’s delicious and really quick to prepare if you are on a time crunch. My favorite way to eat it is adding sliced almonds with a bit of sea salt on multigrain bread.
- Keep A Clean Workspace – I love my desk area and try to keep it clean most days. Having a designated work area that appeals to your eye helps with motivation. Clutter can cause you to feel anxious or frustrated so removing that possibility will only help you in the future. Keeping some of your favorite items around also makes you care what the area looks like a tad more. I like to have my Diptyque candles burn while I work or fresh flowers in the room.
- Get Out Of Bed – If you work from home like myself you find that it can be very distracting. Get up, get dressed, put on some makeup and then check your phone. Staying in bed longer than need to just prolongs your day and the laziness starts to kick in. Play some music and make your bed! I find this the best way to get me moving plus puts me in a good mood. You can check your emails, comments, etc once you’re dressed and at your work area. Take a drive to your local coffee shop if you feel the need to get out of the house or need a change of scenery.