Blogging While Juggling Motherhood . . .

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For those who think it can’t be done I have one word for you, EFFORT! I thought that way at one point having two children of my own, a job, house and other grown up things to deal with. It’s a tough thing to balance especially when you need to put the phone down to play with blocks or Play-doh. It all comes down to scheduling and giving yourself the time to do all of your blogging stuff. I say the word effort because I’ve had sleepless nights, giving up my “nap” time to do my posts. I have a 7 and 3-year-old so I’m fortunate that one is in school from 8-4. My 3yr old is up around 8-830am and takes a nap from 130-430pm. I get that gap to either clean, prepare dinner early, etc. If I’m caught up on house work I can take that time to do blogging stuff like take pictures, type and film my YouTube videos. I work part-time on Mondays and Wednesdays. I make sure on Sunday that we are all set for Mondays post and Wednesday is my one day off from blogging during the week. It took me months to get a schedule in place and actually feel that my life was in balance, I wanted to make sure I wasn’t neglecting my children and giving them the time that they need with me. One thing is to take care of your child(ren) but another is to be involved in what they do on a day-to-day basis. My son loves when I sit down to build Lego’s with him and my daughter is a Play-doh fanatic! There are days where I’m just too busy to just sit and play but If I schedule or plan my day out I can. Like I’ve said before there is no typing during the day because I can’t think with my kids running around and I’m one who needs tranquility when I’m at the computer. I’m lucky that my other half is very supportive, he helps out when he isn’t at his job but the poor thing works long hours so I have to be considerate of that as well.

Here are a few pointers if you’re just starting out or just struggling with finding a good place with all of your motherly duties . . .

1. Have them join in on the fun – I can’t tell you how many times my bugs have held lipsticks, set up shoots, or have gone to fetch my camera.

2. Take advantage of nap time – This saddens me because I’d love to take a nap as well but a mama’s gotta do what a mama’s gotta do!

3. Wait until bedtime – I know some nights you just want to call it quits but that’s where the word effort comes into play. My bugs are down by 830pm every night so once they’re tucked in its time to work.

4. Electronic distraction – No matter how much you schedule always plan for the unthinkable. iPad’s are great for those missed nap days or you just need them to keep still. This is my last resort because my children love the darn thing. We have a bunch of educational games and Netflix on it, yea my 3-year-old maneuvers through Netflix to find her shows! No iPad, no problem, nothing a movie and popcorn can’t fix!

5. Pick a blog day – Pick one day that you take all your photos on and treat it like you would a real job. Get out of your PJ’s and get dressed! Go out grab some breakfast or coffee and get to work.

This is how I make it work and it’s not easy by any means but if blogging is something you want then fight for it, you’re in for one heck of a ride!

  • Simi

    Can I just tell you how inspiring your blog is – the post, the pictures – amazing. I am not a mom yet, but do work some very long hours and juggle other grown up stuff – so it seems blogging takes backsit to everything else – I will definitely try out the “pick a day” tip . Also loved your “5 blogging tips….” post – I must have read that everyday since I launched my blog 🙂

    Simi (

    • lipstickwithsomesunshine

      Aww thank you so much, kids or no kids the struggle is serious so I feel your pain and it’s hard but I’m glad I was able to help out!

  • gris-noir chic

    Thanks for highlighting that blogging demands a lot of effort / time.
    Especially having kids and/or full-time job. Being organized is crucial.

  • Inside Me: Nikki Thomas

    I struggle with a balance. I work full time, I blog and my son is 5 years old. It’s a challenge. I try to complete my projects and write on Saturday, take pictures on Sunday and tweek my post everyday during my lunch hour. I am exhausted week nights, but I need to give more effort.

    • lipstickwithsomesunshine

      It’s hard!!! People tell me what do you do just type some stuff and take pictures? I’m like hell no, a lot of effort is put into what I do plus balancing everything else in life lol these people! Keep at it girl!

  • fromjessy

    I love how inspiring your blog is. You put so much love and effort into both your blog and life and it just shines off the page.
    Your blog along with a couple of others are what inspired me to get back into blogging starting fresh.
    This post is brill, not only does it speak to mothers, but also to people like me who struggle to juggle life and blog. I live in one county and work in another one, so before I go to work I do my household chores and when I come home I’m often exhausted from travelling so I barely feel motivation to move.
    I took your advice to take all your pictures on one day, and considering I have fridays off I got up, got dressed and took every picture I needed for my upcoming posts and edited them all. I have already done two posts scheduled and will schedule the rest of them either this evening or tomorrow.
    Thank you
    from Jessy

  • fromjessy

    I love how inspiring your blog is. You put so much love and effort into both your blog and life and it just shines off the page.
    Your blog along with a couple of others are what inspired me to get back into blogging starting fresh.
    This post is brill, not only does it speak to mothers, but also to people like me who struggle to juggle life and blog. I live in one county and work in another one, so before I go to work I do my household chores and when I come home I’m often exhausted from travelling so I barely feel motivation to move.
    I took your advice to take all your pictures on one day, and considering I have fridays off I got up, got dressed and took every picture I needed for my upcoming posts and edited them all. I have already done two posts scheduled and will schedule the rest of them either this evening or tomorrow.
    Thank you
    from Jessy

    • lipstickwithsomesunshine

      Thank you so much, your kind words have filled me with all types of fuzzy feelings inside!!!! I’m so glad I was able to help! I think viewers sometimes forget we’re people and have responsibilities as well. They get caught up in the pretty pictures and posts but never really look at us as a whole.

  • Emma

    Sigh I miss nap times. My two year refuses to nap now & it’s a long day.. !
    & I do agree a routine, even a relaxed one, is the only way to make sure you get time too 🙂

    • lipstickwithsomesunshine

      I miss naps!

  • Manda T.

    Although I don’t have any children I do have a full time job so I know part of the struggle. I too do most of my blog writing/planning/photos on the weekend as much as I can so I don’t have to spend too much time after a long work day trying to edit, type, etc. Love your transparency on your blog. Your effort is definitely noticed!

    xo, Manda

    • lipstickwithsomesunshine

      Thank you dear!!! All we can do is try and try harder but I feel your pain!

  • Shahnaz Cola-Wrensch

    Am right there with you I am a full time make up artist, have 2 kids, blog and do a business with my sister its hard work juggling all and try and spend the evening with my husband so I have to squeeze in the day somehow as evenings I have been banned from working! Love your blog added you to my blog roll.


    • lipstickwithsomesunshine

      Thank you so much! We hard working mamas need a brake too, we do it all! I commend you for all your hard work because it is not easy!

  • susan

    the word “effort” is really the key here. I also have 2 kids (1 and 3, unfortunately their nap times aren’t very long), work full-time, handle 90% of the housework and !00% of the meals, and workout regularly – when asked how I do it….it’s simply in the effort and lack of sleep 🙂 this was a refreshing post so thanks for sharing.

    • lipstickwithsomesunshine

      Totally agree! I always reply “I don’t sleep is all” lol. Thank you for reading!

  • Precious

    I love your pictures! What do you use to edit your photos?

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