Photography Tips For Blogging

Processed with VSCOcam with t1 presetContinuing the blogging series today I thought I’d share some of my top tips when it comes down to photography. I am no expert by any means but I know several photographers so I’ve learned quite a bit, then there is good ole google to lend a hand. It’s really hard for me to pin point a style of photography for myself or what to even call it because I just point and shoot. I’m a very visual person and get inspiration from everything around me. I do know that I prefer a clean photo and the majority of my pictures are taken in natural lighting. I really depend on editing to make my photos brighter or add color where I need it so it’s a must for me! So whether you’re using an SLR or your phone here are some tips that can help . . .

1. White Background – The majority of all my photos are taken using a white background. I purchase dozens of white poster boards and toss them when they get dirty. I use the matte side so that light doesn’t reflect off the shiny side and cause flashback. I feel that items really stand out against the white and gives me that clean look I want.

2. Camera Remote – Please invest in one of these! Anyone else hate that awkward selfie arm in their pics? I have a Canon RC-6 remote for my SLR and can’t stress how important it is for me. I don’t have an extra set of hands to help me out with photos so all I do is hit the button and call it a day. Don’t have an SLR no problem, you can even get them for your iPhones which is pretty awesome!

3. Natural Lighting – While I do own artificial lights I prefer daylight for my photos. It doesn’t alter the tone or color and looks the best in my opinion. I take most of my pictures in front of my screen doors which let a ton of light in.

4. Props – I love setting up for photos! I use candles, fresh flowers, magazines, books etc. Walk around the house you’d be surprised what you can find to help aid in a photo. Your local thrift store could also have pretty containers or glass bowls that you can use to house certain items. I love to keep packaging and gift boxes to re-use them in photos too! I use tape and blu tack to keep items from rolling off the board or vanity. I love creating live collages of items so I’ll lay things out to make them look somewhat uniform instead of holding the item up and my hands getting in the way.

5. Editing – The most crucial part of this whole process because it gives me the finished product. I use an app called After Light to edit all of my photos. I can adjust the brightness, contrast, saturation and exposure which helps me achieve that bright look to my pictures. I then add a filter from the VSCO Cam app called T1 and I get that almost grunge feel to my photos. I don’t use the filter all the time but if I do that’s the one choose! I completely adore these apps and are a must have for me.

I hope this was helpful to some of you because I get a ton of questions on how I take my pictures and I did a post here showing all of the equipment I use as well. Make your photos your own and don’t be afraid to try new things, now off I go with Maddy in hand (yes my camera has a name). . .

  • Hanh

    great tips, i will make a mental note next time i plan my next photo shoot πŸ™‚

    hanh x | hanhabelle

  • Manda

    It NEVER dawned on me that you could just use a simple white poster board. Seems so common sense, but I genuinely thought I needed to invest in some kind of white “surface” to get this aesthetic! LOL! Thanks for all the tips. Daylight is the BEST tool out there, seriously.

    xo, Manda

  • Rebecca

    As somone just starting in the blog world, these are some great tips!

  • Andrea

    thank you! i also recently became a blogger and these are very helpful tips! I’ll keep em in mind for when I take pictures

  • Dani

    Wow this was really helpful!
    I have been wondering how to get a perfect white backround.
    You nailed it! Love your blog!

  • ltbeautyblog

    Great tips! I am going on the hunt for cute props

  • emma

    Thanks these are really helpful tips! πŸ™‚

  • Nadja

    Thanks for the tips. Your beautiful photos made me follow your blog in the first place πŸ™‚

    • lipstickwithsomesunshine

      Thank you!

  • Chloe

    I was only talking to my other half the other day about how I was desperate for some kind of white background set up. Thank you for the tips. Your blog is beautiful.

    Chloe x

    • lipstickwithsomesunshine

      Thank you so much! I’m glad I could help!

  • Lyu Gencheva

    I use VSCO cam too, I love it!

  • Inside Me: Nikki Thomas

    Great tips Thanks!!!

  • Sophia

    This is wonderful advice, especially as I’m new to the whole blogging thing.
    One question though: how do you get over the embarrassment of taking photos of yourself on the street?! I get so shy when anyone walks past!

  • Al @ herbearings

    The white poster board is genius and so simple! Thanks for the great tips!

  • Amicia Rai (@AmiciaRai)

    Love it! Thanks for the awesome tips! πŸ˜€

  • rulopesau

    Reblogged this on Street Watcher.

  • Shreya

    I use white background and also love to edit my pictures. Thanks for so many lovely tips.

  • Michelle Toivonen

    This is a perfect, concise checklist for beginning bloggers. I just tweeted this for clients (especially food bloggers) to use. The best part — every bit of this is accessible to an amateur photographer. Many thanks!

  • Claire

    great tips thanks!!! x

  • Fashion Party blog

    Good tips, thanks for sharing! πŸ™‚

    • lipstickwithsomesunshine

      Thank you!!!

  • Zhahara Yusop

    Thank you so much. This was a very valuable and helpful post especially for a newbie blogger as myself.

    • lipstickwithsomesunshine

      Yay! Im glad I could help!

  • adaras

    Love those tips! πŸ˜€

    • lipstickwithsomesunshine

      thank you!

  • Uzo

    thank you so much for these tips ,i had to read this since i was planing on getting a new camera for my blog this week. Thanks again.



    • lipstickwithsomesunshine

      Great! Good luck!

  • Samantha Mariko

    This was a really helpful post! I love using white backgrounds too, so maybe investing in a white backdrop would be a good idea!

  • Lyn

    I usually use a roll of white butcher paper so when it gets dirty or torn, just cut it off and keep rolling. The roll provides a smooth transition for something standing up. Admittedly I usually use it for Ebay pictures. Just discovered a greatest editing tool for free FotoFuze. It makes the white really white so you get those photos that look like the object is floating. Not necessarily great for blog photos although I’ve used it but great for photos of things you are trying to sell.

  • theknotstory

    Awesome tips πŸ™‚

  • Lin.Self.Portrait

    Great tips.
    I wish I had at least a bit better camera to manage to do all of this. One day πŸ™‚

    By the way, your blog is very cozy and adorable. I will stop by again for sure πŸ™‚
    Best wishes

  • maria kitching

    This is a lovely article and thank you for sharing all your tips, when it comes to photos I am in need of help.

  • Cafard Nah Homme

    Thanks for all those tips, i’ll try to apply them πŸ˜‰


  • Christina

    Wow having a camera remote is actually a fantastic idea! It’s also a pleasant surprise how cheaply they can be found. I just found the same Canon brand ones on Amazon for half the price they’re listed for on the actual Canon site! Thanks for all these great tips. I was also wondering – could you give us some insight on how you edit your SLR photos on your mac? Thanks!

    • lipstickwithsomesunshine

      I’m def working on more blogging tips so stay tuned!

  • jalysa

    I’m just starting my blog & am pretty new to the blogging world so this really helped ! Such simple tips go a long way thank you for the insight I loved all the tips hope you post more (=

    • lipstickwithsomesunshine

      Thank you!

  • Sarah

    Life saver. I’m not at all a photographer, but I want my photos to look as clean cut as possible. Thanks for the tips!!

    • lipstickwithsomesunshine

      Anytime dear !!

  • Jenny

    Quick question for ya…what program do you use to edit your pictures and arrange on your website? I have considered getting photoshop…but not sure if it is worth the price.

    • lipstickwithsomesunshine

      Don’t spend the money there are a ton of apps you can use! I use VSCO cam for filters, After light is my main editing app and I edit them on my iPad and I occasionally use the regular editing options using iPhoto.

  • Dani

    Thank you so much for the tips!
    I just started with my blog and also with shooting pictures for it.
    Therefore I’m grateful for every little tip I get πŸ™‚

  • Leonie

    Great post! Thanks for the tips. x

  • piekeli

    Reblogged this on Pieke – Pieken – Piekeren and commented:
    Note to self; ook al blog ik niet over fashion
    (waarom eigenlijk niet?)

  • Lexa

    Excellent tips! Thank you; I needed every one of them. πŸ™‚

  • Hilary

    I love afterlight!

    Hilary x

  • Amanda Kathryn

    Loving these tips! Thank you for sharing!

    Xo, Amanda

  • shhitsalibrary

    Poster board, of course! Thank-you for solving my background problem, this is genius but so simple. Typical.

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  • Noor Jafri

    Thanks girl!!! I have been trying to improve my photography and this really helped

  • Alex

    Thanks for the app recommendations and the poster board tip!

  • Pingback: Favorite Photo Editing Apps |()

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  • Sophie Harrison

    This was such a brilliant summary, THANK-YOU! x

  • Nejla

    Just one question. I don’t know who are you, but ur page is really nice, can you say me where u find this theme for blog, and how did you do it?