Makeup Collection/Storage Overview

Makeup Storage

Muji Drawers

I’ve finally gotten around to filming this video! I was holding off until I was happy with how I store everything you see above. Like I mentioned in the video keeping my stash condensed has been a huge change because I’m constantly testing new things and reviewing collections. If I’m not going to use it out it goes and this rule is what works for me. I love watching these videos for storage tips and solutions so I was pretty happy to post mine. I hope this was helpful to some of you and it’s my number one requested video so I live to serve lol!

  • Silke Laura

    Such a beautiful collection and love the way you organised everything. I totally understand what you mean when you said you used to have loads of stuff. I think alot of us beauty bloggers go through a stage of just pure hoarding. I think I’ve just gotten over that stage myself and I’m now looking for things to ‘complete’ my look or things I thought about first!

  • a beauty project

    I love that your collection isn’t obscenely large. I got caught up years ago in the makeup craze and now regret it! Too much stuff I don’t ever use. My goal is to get to a much more paired down collection like yours. Thank you so much for sharing!

  • Connie

    I love your collection! That’s pretty much what mine looks like, too. As much as I buy makeup, I always end up either giving them to friends or throwing older products out. Less is definitely more, and I don’t see any reason to keep makeup I absolutely do not use.

    Connie | Sponsored by Coffee | Bloglovin’

  • Rachel Dwyer

    Loved everything about this post! I really admire your refreshingly select collection – such a beautiful make up station too! x

  • hellolaurax

    Love your set up! Its so simplistic and beautiful. Great post!!!

  • Millie Robinson

    Such a beautiful collection! x

  • Mandy

    I think I’ve seen this video about 3 times already, I adore your set’s just so clean and even though you have products on display, it does not look cluttered at all. x


  • Lizzy Zimmerman

    Where did you get the actual like desk vanity from?

  • Liz B.

    I may need those muji drawers. Also, based on your most recent everyday makeup video, we have the EXACT SAME routine! I can’t believe more people aren’t on the Dior Star foundation train! I hope you’ll test and review the liquid Charlotte Tillbury bronze and glow that just came out! – a clean eating bento blog

  • Marie-Claire Martel

    I’m in love with your makeup collection/storage ! 🙂

  • AmberMarie

    I love the way you organise and set up your makeup storage, it always looks so cool and clean. Great post! ambermariemarie

    • Thank you sooo much dear! xoxo

  • Lauren / lipstick & lacquer

    You have such a lovely setup! I really want to downsize my collection to only products that I truly use, this is great inspiration for that!

    lauren / lipstick & lacquer

    • Thank you! I’m so glad to read comments like this!

  • Angeline Lee

    Love your makeup collection!!

  • aimee

    Very clean and simple. I strive for this for my makeup vanity

  • Schnauzevoll

    this indeed looks so clean! my makeup storage area is still a mess ^^

    • Mine gets messy at times too lol! xoxo

  • Blizzard Girl

    I love your makeup storage… super simple and not overwhelming:)


  • Manda T.

    Love that you’re doing more & more videos! Keep it up girl!

    xo, Manda

    • Thank you my dear! I’m trying! Hope you had tons of fun in Paris xoxo