So where do I even begin? I’ve been MIA for a little over a week now and I thought the best way to ease back into blogging was to give you guys an update on my busy boring life. This week was just too hectic to sit down and work which I will be honest has been stressing me out! It feels so good to just sit in front of my computer screen and type away again.
This was my daughters last week of dance class and her Summer recital was a success, I adored her in her little tap shoes waving away as she danced to “Old-time Rock n Roll” with her friends! This meant rehearsal throughout which I had to leave work early to be at and days of hair styling. She also had her first pool party with all of her dance-mates the day before which she’s still talking about! Needless to say her schedule kept me running around like a crazy person but it all worked out in the end. My sister came home from the military for the week and it was great to have her here, she’s stationed out in Cali so we only see her twice a year.
I mentioned to you guys during my travel week series that we will be going on our first family vacation in January so I have 6 months of planning and prepping for it. We decided to do a Disney cruise to the Caribbean for 5 days, I’m planning on doing a little scavenger hunt and telling them the day we are to travel! I went and applied for their passports earlier this week which was a pain in the ass but it’s done and over with, I’ll have them in plenty of time before we set sail. Now I know you probably think I’m crazy but I’ve purchased all of their outfits, bathing suits and backpacks. I’m a huge control freak and I like to have everything done ahead of time. I figured if I get it all now its taken care of and I don’t have to worry about it during December when I’m Christmas shopping. Zara is having a huge sale right now, I went nuts and place multiple orders for the kids (and I) already! I also took advantage of Disney’s Sale and bought my daughter an Elsa Costume with all the matching accessories, I heard it can be really pricey on the ship. I’m still waiting on a few personalized things I ordered for them which will arrive within the next couple of weeks, it’s literally killing me not to say but so worth the wait. I’ll definitely be recording the unveiling!
I turned 27 this week which turned out to be a pretty chilled day. All I wanted was a huge bowl of pho and my lychee shake but my daughter didn’t understand why her mother wanted soup for her birthday, her reaction was pretty funny. Thank you for all the amazing birthday wishes you all sent over, it totally made my day and I’m just so grateful to have such awesome viewers! I was able to see the new Jurassic World movie as well as Inside out, both great films. Side note, were any of you disappointed with oitnb? I’m in love with Ruby Rose and they put her in max and I have no idea where the story is going now, I found myself loosing interest after each episode so I don’t know if I’ll continue to watch it?
So playdates, vacation, shopping, dance and errands are all taken care of. Now I can get back into my blogging groove! Hopefully I didn’t bore you with my crazy mommy life but I felt it was only fair to keep you guys updated and why I took off a whole week from TJ. Shit (a whole week), back to work…
Love, Tamira