Motivation and Peonies

Processed with VSCOcam with t1 preset

I have been going a bit peony crazy on my Instagram account and thought I’d share them here on the blog too! We’re in full blown peony season and they happen to be my favorite type of flower. I was gifted a new desk this weekend thanks to mama sunshine (love you mom!) so I will be on the hunt for a fresh bouquet of peonies this week. The smell of these flowers are incredible and literally fill up the entire room, I don’t know about you guys but flowers make me super happy! As silly as it sounds, they keep me motivated to create more content for you guys. I’ve been a little quiet the past two weeks but it’s been pretty hectic with my new job and training plus dealing with my bugs. I feel a little out of the loop and a bit overwhelmed because I’m still trying to film, respond to comments, emails, post and be active on my other social media sites. LWSS is my baby so I feel that I owe you guys an explanation! Either way I wanted to take the time to say hi and ask what keeps you motivated day to day?


  • Vanessa Buttino

    *points* I’m wearing that bra today! Right now! As I type this!

    Other than that little outburst, I wanted to tell you that you don’t owe any of us an explanation. Sometimes, life gets in the way and things happen (mostly all at once if you’re me), so no worries! You do what you can and we’ll be right here waiting until you get back x

    The thing that motivates me most is reading other people’s great content. I’m a blogger and a freelance writer and when I read articles and posts that are truly great, they make me want to try harder and write something just as good.

  • Sophie ♥

    That bralette is so pretty! As are peonies. I’ve never had peonies before but hey, one can and will dream.

    What motivates me is seeing other people doing what they love, doing it well and being successful. It inspires me to keep going and work towards my dreams. That sounds so cheesy but it’s true! x

    Sophie | Nana Wintour

  • Divya

    Hey Tamira! The peonies look incredible! i never get to see them in India but would love to get hold of some abroad!

    • Tamira

      Thanks dear! Hopefully you can find them soon!

  • Daniella

    Love the fragrance!



    • Tamira

      Thank you!

  • Bella

    I adore peonies too. Eye candy! PS…I’ve meant to say on your video that I really like your hair longer, down and back!

    • Tamira

      Aww thanks dear!

  • Heather

    Where is this bralette from? Love it!!

    • AmeliaJo

      I second this question! I have to know! :)

      • Tamira


        • AmeliaJo

          Thank you! I just ordered this! :)

          • Tamira

            No problem dear! They’re amazing

    • Tamira
