Blogging Tips I Picked Up Along The Way. . .


Don’t you just enjoy the blank stare you get from people when you tell them you’re a blogger, or get the elongated “okay”. I wish people knew it’s more than just typing some words up and adding taking a few pictures. Blogging is time and mind consuming not to mention all the finger cramping you’ll suffer from typing (I’m really trying to sell it here). I often get asked for advice and I love teaching others, especially newbies! You must remember you’ll eventually find your own way around the block and what works best for you. Do I know it all? Nope. Have I picked up a few things along the way? Why yes, I believe I have. . .

Self-host & Domains – I would say to go for self-host if you plan on blogging and sticking to it. I made a free blog with WordPress and purchased my domain name so that I wouldn’t have the after the name of my blog. It was a hobby at first and an outlet for me to express my creativity. It then became much more than just an outlet to me so I invested time and money into making my site look the way I wanted it to. Self-hosting is the best thing I decided to do because I’m free to do what I want when I want.

Scheduling Posts – If you have a job like moi you might want to take advantage of scheduling your posts ahead of time. This way they publish at the time you set them to and you can do it for days in advance depending on how your work load is.

Keep Your Layouts Consistent – If you center (left,right) the text in your posts keep it that way, it will look uniform and visually pleasing to the eye balls.

Switch It Up When In A Rut – You don’t always have to write about beauty. Perhaps you want to write about your favorite meal atm, an outfit post, DIY projects, or even a recipe!

You Get What You Put In – The key thing is consistency and improvement. You can’t start and all of a sudden get cold feet, you’ll never progress. It takes time, effort and patience to build an audience. My advice is to give it all you’ve got and take it day by day, the rest comes later. . .

  • bloominrouge

    I enjoyed that one. Particularly the sentiment of “My advice is to give it all you’ve got and take it day by day, the rest comes later.” Thanks.

    Bloomin’ Rouge

  • Love&Blog

    Thanks so much – it was really interesting to see you grow and becoming who you are now! So happy for you! hope to achieve something with mu blog as well!

  • Divya

    You are always a joy to read! I might think about self hosting now that you have mentioned it! Thanks for the tips!

    My favorites from MAC | TheConscienceFund| My Bloglovin’

  • Manda T.

    I always say you should love blogging & whatever you’ve chosen to blog about, because if you want it to present well, you’ve GOT to put the work in. Great tips!

    xo, Manda

  • Poorum5

    I love your blog. The entire look of it, the content, everything. You cannot imagine how much makeup I have bought inspired by you.

  • Daniella

    awesome posts!



  • Style Bits & Bobs of ME

    Great tips. I am thinking about self-hosting!

  • Vanessa Buttino

    I often struggle with holding down two jobs + blogging and I’ve even given blogging up for a few weeks quite recently actually. I got back on track – thankfully – and resigned myself to the fact that not everything will run smoothly all the time. We’re human and we’re always going to have our ups and downs … blogging is a release for me and it’s something that I enjoy immensely (when I have time). Your post is a great one and has some really handy tips in it! Thanks so much for all the hard work that you do Tamira xx

    • Love&Blog

      same with me – had so much going on in my life so had to give blogging up for months, and now I’m back and set myself a rule that it’s not about having 10 posts a day, it’s about me and what I want to say and give people with my blog!

  • Maddy from UNSTITCHEDD.

    Such great tips, especially the scheduling one! x

    Maddy from UNSTITCHEDD

  • Megan Pace

    Thank you! I am a brand new blogger, and it is a hobby that I am really enjoying. I am basically clueless about the whole thing, but I am learning more each day. When searching for blogs tips, I have been overwhelmed by marketing schemes and traffic driving ideas. While I know those elements can be important in sustaining a blog, it is refreshing to hear your attitude of “picking it up along the way” and growing slowly yet steadily.

  • Aerin

    Thanks for the tips! I loved the last one xx

    BerrieBlogs| {beauty blog}

  • Madeleine – The Daily Mark

    Great tips! I’ve just started in March and learning so much already!

  • nueyork

    These are really great tips, I especially enjoy the one about switching things up when you’re in a rut. A lot of people advise you to stay in your “genre”, but I really don’t think it should be that way at all.

  • Multitasking Damsel

    these are really good tips, i’ve been blogging over a year and still learning new things!

  • Mobolaji Sadare

    These are great. The last tip is especially helpful to me. Thanks so much for the post.

  • Lissa Dorn

    This is great advice! Thank you!
    Lissa /

  • Ruby

    Thank you for sharing !!!

  • Emily Shea

    Such simple tips, but definitely effective. I like that one about switching it up.. I’ve been experiencing writer’s block a lot. I find the ideas come to me when I’m in the shower or right before I fall asleep, but if I sit down to write something I come up empty. Maybe switching it up will help me! Thanks!

  • Alit Mendoza

    gracias por compartir, lo que a mi me cuesta es la regularidad para postear, me custa mucho ponerme un rato con la compu, elaborar el post y publicarlo, tengo todo en papel pero no lo puedo pasar a la compu, es en lo que tengo que trabajar.
    xoxo alit

  • Yeji Kim

    Such great tips! I absolutely love your blog! And I love how you are getting yourself into Youtube too!

  • Kelly Keating

    Patience is definitely one of the hardest but most important parts! Thanks for the tips!

  • Christina Richards

    This is great advice!

    – Christina

  • Michelle Glassow Schroll

    Those are some good tips that I try to blog by :)

  • Laura Neuzeth

    Love the tips! Scheduling posts and video is definitely a must if you have other things going on in your life.


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